July 28, 2008


In fact, it's nice to be anywhere. I hope I'll have many brilliant things to say... ummm....about... uhh...Man, God and the Universe. All seriousness aside, I'll be posting mostly news and updates about life in the happy land of Musical Komedy Company, my tiny but mighty entertainment production company.

First, I'm happy to announce that we have a new website splash page here:
MusicalKomedy.com, which leads to all the gossip and goodies deep inside the "World Wide Interweb" (yes, I'm a big Christopher Guest fan - who isn't?), at: NewWebsiteThingieHere.

Our cool site is
is co-designed and maintained by the talented Mr. Joe Brady@Webrady.com, and is generously sponsored by biz whiz, soulful percussionist and paison patrone Mr. Patsy Trello, President of Lords International & scrumptious Trello Cioccolato.

In conclusion, my fellow Americans (and those of you in the cyber cafes of China reading this illegally), thanks for stopping by. If I don't forget all the tricks I've learned tonight on this sensational site (hey, thanks, Bloggerfolks!), I'll be back...

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